19/07/2018 15:14


End cyclos, face new beginnings, go thru changes... why are we so scarred of those things when we do it all the time effordless?! Maybe because we never noticed, therefor were never able to see the empowering of that.

The ocean tide rise and fall day after day.

Every night the moon rise and set, and in sequence comes the sun, ascending in the morning and descending at the end of the day.

Regardless the up and downs, they are all magnificent moments. Moreover they happen independently of being noticed or seen.

As in life, all those processes pass thru transformations from the rising, to the upper moment,and to the enduring.

Everyday. Over and over.

Is it easy to the ocean give up the space it gain on the high tide?

How does the moon feels giving its place to the sun?

Does it hurt when the sun has to go?

Does it matter? Not at all! Their main reason is to fully exist.

Reality is, that doesn’t happen. None of them lose anything, because when closing at one side, they always open another.

Same happen to us. We wake-up, go thru the day, processing, transforming along our ups and downs, and then we go to sleep. At that time we wake-up our internal movement and then start their processing and transforming moment, until we wake-up on the other side again. And there, successively.

Can you see how it’s all connected and in constant movement? Even the up and downs are part of all of it.

That’s why we can fall but we never stay there forever.

This is all to fulfill the magic of existence. The beauty of life!

Lets keep moving!!


Natalia W. Ramos 19-7-2018